четверг, 5 марта 2020 г.


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Andrea ARRAY-2S (C1-1019800-1) SoundMAX Superbeam Array Microphone - 3.5 mm Connector

External Microphone Operation Mode: September Sennheiser releases new SpeakerPhone audio. Lapel Microphones Surveillance Microphones. Other companies said what you did is impossible. Dictation System View All.

Andrea Electronics SoundMax

SP series portable high quality audio. All of our products have a 30 day money back guarantee from the day soundnax receive your product.

Question Answer Question Answer Have a question about this product? We are authorized dealers and distributors of every product we sell! Provides unfiltered stereo microphone audio input for high fidelity stereo recordings.

If error Please correct the error. It took your tech 10 minutes to resolve our issue. Dragon Home View All.

Use with Andrea's AudioCommander software to optimize multimedia control. Audio Technica releases the ultimate studio condenser AT I finally found you and was back in business in 5 minutes. You did something to our microphones. Provides control of audio input technology, and features: Dragon Premium View All. Sennheiser releases new SpeakerPhone audio. Johns University I was online with the manufacturer for over anvrea hour to no avail.

Andrea SoundMAX Superbeam Stereo Microphone Array2-sna

Specifications Audio Input Connectivity Technology: Pickup is available Mon - Thu, 10am - 4: Audio Input Connectivity Technology: Welcome visitor you can login or create an account. September Audio Technica releases the ultimate studio condenser AT Andrea Electronics External digital stereo audio PC superbeam array microphone with sonudmax.

Hand Control View All. SUMA stereo microphone input supports sample rates up to 48K for high quality voice input. Stereo uni-directional x 2 Response Bandwidth: Law Enforcement Packs View All. Provides directional array microphone noise cancellation, designed to enable far-field Headsets free speech recognition command and control performance.

Andrea PC microphone accessories are designed for PC Communications applications, Enhancing the audio input experience. If you would like to keep up to date with new products, information and techniques, use the form below to sign up to our mailing list.

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